Facts about Face Shields on Protecting Healthcare Workers from COVID – 19

Like you, we are also monitoring the latest updates of Coronavirus (COVID – 19) pandemic which is continuously increasing day by day and extremely pulling the health industry all over the world.
To overcome this situation, Protective Face Shield is one of the better options for public and medical professionals whenever moving out or treating COVID – 19 patients.
That is why HY Supplies is doing all possible ways to supply PPE (Personal Protective Equipments) like KN95 Respiratory Face Masks, Protection Face Shields, Reusable Isolation Gowns, Medical Barrier Gowns, etc… to frontline medical staffs, public and healthcare industries.
Similar to Face Masks, the usage of Reusable Face Shields started rising in preventing the spread of microorganisms. According to Medical Professionals, Face Shield Wholesale reduces viral exposure by 96% when worn within 18 inches of a cough, and 92% recommended 6 feet of social distancing. To avail such benefits, you can count on HY Supplies Inc. at any time to prevent from Coronavirus.
Disposable Face Shields provides better protection for eyes, nose, and mouth when compared to masks and it has several advantages like reusable, more comfortable, and prevents the wearer from touching the face and gives clear communication, due to visibility of mouth. It is advisable to wear the Face Shields while moving to any public places or even to work. If this kind of activity followed then there is a possibility of returning to normal life sooner.
In hospitals, Face Shields are the required equipment for many medical procedures. Medical staffs like doctors and nurses wear them while treating COVID – 19 patients and during surgeries which may cause blood and liquid fluids to fly out. The good thing about the face Shields is it can be resterilized, reusable, and cleaned by the wearer until the components get damaged.
In the marketplace, there are wide varieties of Face Shields for sale; the most preferred among the medical professionals are transparent, curved plastic that covers the face with the securing mechanisms like headband or strap which is anti-fog, anti-splash, heat resistance, lightweight which gives better protection from fluid droplets, saliva, splash, etc…